You compliance in this matter is paramount in maintaining our relationship with the land owners who kindly grant us permission to shoot on their land as well as the surrounding community as a whole.
Just a small reminder when out pigeon shooting on CWCC farms to please be respectful of neighbouring farms and houses, that means being mindful of boundaries and shot fallout.
You compliance in this matter is paramount in maintaining our relationship with the land owners who kindly grant us permission to shoot on their land as well as the surrounding community as a whole. Following BBC Countryfile's report last Sunday into The Value of Shooting - the most extensive research ever carried out into the economic, environmental and social contribution of shooting to the UK - the programme's website is carrying a poll which asks:
Overall, does the shooting industry do more good than harm to Britain's wildlife? Click on the heading link above to visit the poll. Take careful note of how the question is worded and vote Yes to endorse the shooting industry's positive impact on wildlife. You can find more details on the Value of Shooting report on the BASC website: We have been made aware of a black lurcher that has gone missing in the Wigborough area, last seen on the 11th July at Moulshams Manor (Hyde Farm). If any members have seen this dog while on their travels then please let a committee members know through the contact us page or if during pigeon shooting in the area notice anything then please call Alex our pigeon secretary on the usual number.
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