Our AGM date has been set for Monday 20th May at the usual venue of the Plough (address in the Members Area Calendar). Please make the effort to attend, at the very least there will be some food.
If you haven't already seen or heard, Natural England (NE) is temporarily revoking three general licences in England that allow the shooting and trapping of most pest bird species from one minute to midnight on Thursday 25 April 2019 onwards.
What does this mean to members of the Colchester Wildfowlers? For a start all pigeon shooting has been temporarily suspended until further notice. If you attempt to book out you will be advised that no bookings are being taken. Quite simply it would seem that the shooting of pest species at this time without having applied specifically for a licence to do so means you will be acting unlawfully. BASC has more details available on their website here. We will pass on more updates as they are available. The latest newsletter has been uploaded to the members area as well as the a revised Bag Return that now includes Knights Marsh.
A reminder that the monthly subscription is £17.50 and not £17.00. If you haven’t done so already, please amend your standing order direct with your bank. |
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