Also the latest newsletter has been up loaded to the members downloads section.
Gentle reminder that we have our AGM tonight, details on time and location in the April newsletters should you need them. Mark Greenhough from BASC will be in attendance and to give a brief talk.
Also the latest newsletter has been up loaded to the members downloads section. Please be reminded that for booking at out at Mr Fairs farms around Gt. Tey you must only contact Alex our pigeon secretary. Once you have sent your request to Alex he will then organise any bookings with Mr Fairs directly. This is as requested by Mr Fairs so please respect his wishes and do not contact him directly.
The April 2014 newsletter has been added to the members download section. As mentioned, it's time to send in your membership renewals and bag returns for the 2013/14 season so please don't delay and send in that vital information.
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